Palestinian Makrouta filled with Gazelle Medjoo...
Makrouta, a delicious Palestinian treat filled with rich Gazelle Medjool dates, is perfect for special occasions. The soft dough, flavored with aromatic spices, surrounds a sweet, date filling, creating a...
Palestinian Makrouta filled with Gazelle Medjoo...
Makrouta, a delicious Palestinian treat filled with rich Gazelle Medjool dates, is perfect for special occasions. The soft dough, flavored with aromatic spices, surrounds a sweet, date filling, creating a...
Palestinian Ka'ak Filled with Medjool Dates
Delight in this Palestinian treat, where the sweet, spiced filling of Large Medjool Dates meets a golden, flaky dough in these homemade Ka'ak rolls. A true taste of Palestinian heritage!
Palestinian Ka'ak Filled with Medjool Dates
Delight in this Palestinian treat, where the sweet, spiced filling of Large Medjool Dates meets a golden, flaky dough in these homemade Ka'ak rolls. A true taste of Palestinian heritage!
Healthy Halawet El Moled
A healthy and delicious take on the traditional Halawet El Moled, made with Extra Juicy Medjool Dates, oats, almonds, and peanut butter. Perfect for a quick snack or treat!
Healthy Halawet El Moled
A healthy and delicious take on the traditional Halawet El Moled, made with Extra Juicy Medjool Dates, oats, almonds, and peanut butter. Perfect for a quick snack or treat!
Date Walnut Coffee Cake Recipe
A rich and comforting Date Walnut Coffee Cake made with Large Medjool Dates, walnuts, and a smooth tahini icing. The perfect combination of flavors for coffee lovers!
Date Walnut Coffee Cake Recipe
A rich and comforting Date Walnut Coffee Cake made with Large Medjool Dates, walnuts, and a smooth tahini icing. The perfect combination of flavors for coffee lovers!
Date Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Indulge in a Date Grilled Cheese Sandwich with the sweet richness of Siwi Dates and a blend of melted cheddar, red cheddar, and parmesan cheese. A tasty twist on a...
Date Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Indulge in a Date Grilled Cheese Sandwich with the sweet richness of Siwi Dates and a blend of melted cheddar, red cheddar, and parmesan cheese. A tasty twist on a...
Upside Down Date & Banana Cake
Treat yourself to a decadent Upside Down Date & Banana Cake, featuring Mini Medjool Dates, caramelized bananas, and a spiced cake topped with chocolate chips. A perfect dessert for any...
Upside Down Date & Banana Cake
Treat yourself to a decadent Upside Down Date & Banana Cake, featuring Mini Medjool Dates, caramelized bananas, and a spiced cake topped with chocolate chips. A perfect dessert for any...